Keepin’ it Real -
notes from a therapist
How to Stop Masking Your Emotions
We often wear a mask to conceal our true feelings. While masking emotions can be a helpful coping mechanism, if left on for too long it can be detrimental to your mental and emotional well-being.
What Overstimulation Feels Like as a Highly Sensitive Person and How You Can Do Manage It
Do you often find yourself experiencing intense emotional reactions, feeling quickly exhausted by external stimuli? You may be struggling with overstimulation, a common occurrence for HSPs.
How to Ditch Perfectionism
It's okay to strive for excellence, but not at the expense of your well-being. You deserve to live a life free from the burden of perfectionism and anxiety.
5 Signs You’re a People Pleaser and How it’s Impacting Your Life
Being helpful to others is a wonderful trait, but there’s a difference between compassion and people pleasing. It’s helpful to understand what people pleasing really means and how it shows up in your life.
Why Perfectionism is Giving you Anxiety
Perfectionism is a trait that affects many people and can be a demanding sonofabitch. You might think it is helpful but is usually it brings along overwhelming anxiety and stress.
What Your Teen Wants to Know About Therapy
Therapy is feeling less like a mystery these days with access to therapists on social media, but it is still super common for teens to have questions and uncertainties.
5 Simple Steps for Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries is a healthy way to take care of yourself, help you feel in control of your life, and help you build better relationships with the people around you.
6 Ways to Help you Cope with Dating Anxiety
There are a lot of ways that dating anxiety can creep up on us and make things difficult when we're trying to get out there and meet new people. You don’t have to suffer through it alone!
Navigating Climate Anxiety to Instill Hope
Climate anxiety is real ya'll and I know I've been feeling it. Acknowledging its validity and finding practical ways to cope with it can help instill hope and change.
How to Heal Through a Break-up
Relationship transitions can be some of the most challenging experiences you encounter in life, but they can also be an opportunity for growth and healing.
6 Ways to Cure the Summertime Blues
If you're noticing things like restlessness, agitation, having low energy, feeling anxious or depressed, you might be experiencing the summertime blues.
How to Tell the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are very normal feelings we experience as humans. Understanding the difference can help you know what coping strategies to utilize in the moment.
How To Stop Overthinking and Gain More Control of Your Thoughts
You can’t completely stop your thoughts but you can learn to control the overwhelm by being aware of what's going on in your brain and working to slow things down.
5 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
When you know what to do and have practiced these techniques, you'll be able to manage your symptoms more effectively. Panic attacks don't have to control your life.
How To Live Life On Your Own Timeline With Confidence
It can feel isolating and scary having to make decisions about your own life. You can learn skills to feel empowered and confident in the choices you are making.
Why You Might Have More Anxiety as a Highly Sensitive Person
Anxiety is a common occurrence for some people. If you're highly sensitive, there's a higher chance that your anxiety will become chronic throughout your life.
What's A Highly Sensitive Person And What Makes Them Unique
If you're a HSP like me, then you've probably felt like an outsider at some point. What is a highly sensitive person exactly and how it is actually your superpower.
Why Self-Compassion is the Best Resolution For Yourself this Year
Self-compassion has been found to help people significantly reduce stress and anxiety. It is incredibly powerful, simple, and easy to do (with a little bit of practice).
12 Things that Help When You're Feeling Lonely
Loneliness might be one of the most difficult feelings you can experience a common human experience across the lifespan. Keep reading for things you can do to cope.
How Do I know if I Need Therapy?
You don’t need an official diagnosis or to be in the midst of a full-blown, panic-attack inducing meltdown to benefit from therapy at some point in your life.